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October 13, 2010

31 for 21:12

First, I would like to Thank Ms. Sally from Swiss Family Carter for her sweet comment of my Lillian and for asking me some questions!  But, she is also another mother in this fantastic club that I belong to AND she happens to live in Switzerland!
She asked some very good questions:
  • What sort of therapies do you receive for Lillian right now?  Right now, Lillian is receiving Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Developmental Therapy and Speech Therapy (however we are taking a hiatus on Speech). All within the week for an hour each.  I believe, this is pretty typical throughout the United States.  Every state and county here will offer something or will try to find you the resources for your child.  Now, I could be wrong, but we received very good services when we lived in Washington and now here in Northern California.
  • Are you happy with what you get?  I am happy.  She has a great group of people working with her and caring for her.  They are patient and stern when needed (she’s becoming very cheeky).  They also provide me with a lot of support and information.  Not only do they help Lillian, they are very good at listening to my concerns.
  • Have you ever been to Europe?  YES YES YES!!! I am a certified genuine 100% Air Force Brat!  My father served in the U.S. Air Force for 24 years and 22 of them were served overseas.  I lived in Spain, England, Japan and Korea.  I’ve traveled to Germany, Scotland, Wales, Holland, Italy and did a drive by through Luxemburg.  Now that I’m a Navy Wife, I spent a short amount of time in Italy when my husband was stationed there for a year.
  • Ever likely to visit?  I think I answered that question above.  However, I know I’m going to go back one day…because I love Europe!  However, when I do go back, you will most likely be in Australia by then…so maybe we’ll have to take a vacation down under???

So, Ms. Sally, How about you answer these same questions???  I would love to know more about the services you Ms. J is receiving and I want to know if you have been to the U.S.  And will you make a visit any time soon???  In fact, if you are from another state or another country, please answer these questions!  I would love to know more and see how much different or same our services are.
And for the rest of you…I’m still open for some questions.  Email me if you like or just post a comment here!  Don’t be shy…

There’s no better cure for sadness than laughter…so Lillian says Laugh Laugh and Laugh.
At least once everyday!
lillian laughter
 lillian on swing


  1. Wow, you are well traveled then! We don't have developmental therapy, I'm not even sure what that would entail? Lucas gets PT, OT and ST once a week but we have missed nearly a month now.

    cute pics, by the way, love the polaroids.

  2. LOVE IT!!!! When Joseph was in state funded EI (First Steps here) He got all the same as Lilian. Now? Well, we get 240 minutes a month of ST, 120 minutes of OT, and 120 minutes of PT monthly...this is what the school system (aka Special Education Dept) pays for him to receive now that he is over 3 years old. We are looking to supplement PT...we shall see.

  3. Erin, thanks! I get stuck on something and have a hard time breaking I'm editing a lot in polaroid mode!

    And for DT, it's really a special ed teacher or therapist that comes to the house and works with all the skills from the other therapies and play games to help with cognitive and social development. It's a lot of fun. We do art projects and use a lot of playdough or water play.

  4. Erin, thanks! I get stuck on something and have a hard time breaking I'm editing a lot in polaroid mode!

    And for DT, it's really a special ed teacher or therapist that comes to the house and works with all the skills from the other therapies and play games to help with cognitive and social development. It's a lot of fun. We do art projects and use a lot of playdough or water play.

  5. Christie, I think I'm looking into supplemental Speech. There is a terrific speech therapist here who specializes in the Down syndrome area, and I would love to get a consult with her and find out what more we can do for Lillian.



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