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March 25, 2011

PCS move, house and the beach

I first want to share with the world that my three children traveled from California to Florida like champs.  They were absolutely the most wonderful kids on the trip across country…it was simply amazing!  I’m still in shock and can’t believe that they were my children who were traveling with us!

I know I haven’t shared much about our PCS move from CA to FL, well, because I just haven’t.  The drive was kind of boring, we didn’t stop to view the scenery, and the weather was icky.  So, there are almost no pictures to share.

But, this move marks our return to another Sea Duty command.  We will be adding 3 more years of saying “HI” and “Bye” every three to four months as they deploy and return back home. I should be used to it, since our family has been through many long and short deployments and unaccompanied tours. But this time I will be adding one more kid to this crazy venture.  I think it will go well…I hope it will go well! We shall see Smile

The exciting news is I might have more interesting things to blog about, because being a wife of a submariner who is assigned to a boat means there will be some sort of drama…scandal…something that will buzz around the wives group (and girlfriends too).  And for the rest of the world who might get mad that I say wives group and not a spouses group, it’s only because there are no women serving aboard submariners (at this time).  But, I am curious to see what will happen when female sailors are introduce to the boats.  From what I’ve been told, there will be about 3 women on a submarine among 150 (+ or – a few) sailors.  I hope they all behave well.

And yes, I know there are no submarine bases in Northern Florida.  Technically, he is stationed in Southern Georgia, but we chose to reside in the Northern part of Florida.  AND, we are now homeowners to a brand new house that is literally 10 to 15 minutes away from the beach, which is really the topping on the cake.  AND, no, I am not completely moved in yet and I still have boxes to go through.  I have no pictures and curtains hung.  And there is a total lack of design taste in the house too.  But, I guess I’m not in any kind of hurry, since I know I won’t be moving for a very long time!  OK…truthfully, it’s because I’m spending most of my free time at the beach Smile


(These pics are SOOC…so feel free to let me know how you would edit them to perfection)


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