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October 23, 2009

Jumpstart Product Review and Giveaway

In celebration of Down syndrome Awareness Month I'm holding my very first giveaway!  This Giveaway will from now until October 31.  On November 1, I will select one winner!  All you need to do is leave a comment with Mr. Linky!   And it won't hurt to also spread the word too by linking back to this giveaway :)  If someone leaves a comment stating they got here by way of you...then I will enter your number in twice!

So, not so long ago, I was asked to write a review for Jumpstart, and I gladly accepted! But, for the record, I don't normally do product reviews (and I've been asked to write a few)! But, I couldn't turn this one away! It's Jumpstart and I'm a big fan of Jumpstart!

I started using Jumpstart when I was teaching 3rd grade in Jacksonville,FL. My students loved it! I loved it too! It's easy to guide through, it's educational, and it's also a lot of fun! Soon, I purchased one for my daughter. Because we're a family of technology, it introduced computer skills and extra time spent with my daughter...even the hubs did it with her! Now, Katie is 8 and still loves Jumpstart! Especially, now that she can create her own character.

Jumpstart online is even better I think, because there is no disk you have to insert to install the program. I have an Acer Netbook and it does not have a disk drive, so anything online is great! Also, with one membership, you can add multiple children, so they can all play.

My 4 year old, Charlie, loves the game too! Honestly, it gives us time together too. We sit together and I help him with the games and activities like I did with Katie. It's been great. I will add might be easier to navigate if you attached a wireless mouse with your laptop or netbook if your child has a hard time with the Charlie!

So, what do you win if you are the lucky winner??? You will win a 3 month membership account with Jumpstart online! It will give you 3 months of fun and safe online activities for your kiddos! How cool is that?

Good Luck!

Jumpstart Product Review and Giveaway Participants

1. Christie Taylor
2. Jennifer Varanini
3. Alyson - Alyzabeth's Mommy
4. Beth


  1. Fun Sonia!!! Again, great to meet you and your adorable little girl! Everyone kept talking about the cutie in the "i did it" tee shirt with the pigtails!!!

  2. hanks for the giveaway. I look forward to using it with my three year old.

    Alyzabeth's Mommy for One Year!
    (NE FL Family!)

  3. I didn't know Jumpstart had an online version! That's great! We're still using our old ones from a decade ago!



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